Challenging Words from the Article_
_1. Word: Devour (चाव से पढ़ना)_
Pronunciation: dih-vou-uh r/डिवाउर
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: read quickly and eagerly.
Synonyms: consume, destry, absorb
Antonyms: save, abstain, annul
Use in a Sentence: Our dog devours at least ten bowls of food per day.
_2. Word: Conceded (स्वीकार करना)_
Pronunciation: kuh n-seed/कन्सीड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: admit or agree that something is true after first denying or resisting it.
Synonyms: approved, permitted, allowed
Antonyms: confronted, acquired, prohibited
Use in a Sentence: The hockey team conceded two goals in the first three minutes of the game.
_3. Word: Offset (बराबर कर देना)_
Pronunciation: awf-set/ऑफ्सेट
Part of Speech: Noun/Verb
a. a consideration or amount that diminishes or balances the effect of an opposite one. [Noun]
b. counteract (something) by having an equal and opposite force or effect. [Verb]
Synonyms: compensate, nullify, equalize
Antonyms: inactivate, separation, conclusion
Use in a Sentence: The money will help offset big hospital bills.
_4. Word: Curbs (नियंत्रण करना)_
Pronunciation: kurb/कर्ब
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. a check or restraint on something. [Noun]
b. restrain or keep in check. [Verb]
Synonyms: checks, controls, inhibits
Antonyms: accelerate, intensify, broaden
Use in a Sentence: I have started to curb my hunger for food and drink.
_5. Word: Spur (प्रेरित करना)_
Pronunciation: spur/स्पर
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive. [Noun]
b. give an incentive or encouragement to (someone). [Verb]
Synonyms: urge, encourage, motivate
Antonyms: discourage, hindrance, obstacle
Use in a Sentence: On the spur of the moment, we all decided to hold a dance party.
_6. Word: Fixated (ग्रस्त)_
Pronunciation: फिक्सैटिड
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: cause (someone) to develop an obsessive attachment to someone or something.
Synonyms: obsessed, fanatic, disturbed
Antonyms: candid, equitable, unaffected
Use in a Sentence: My brother is fixated on things that remind her of our childhood.
_7. Word: Unduly (अनावश्यक रूप से)_
Pronunciation: uhn-doo-lee/अन्डूली
Part of Speech: Adverb
Meaning: to an unwarranted degree; inordinately.
Synonyms: excessively, extremely, exorbitantly
Antonyms: properly, aptly, appropriately
Use in a Sentence: My cousin doesn’t seem unduly concerned about his exams.
_8. Word: Wary ( एहतियाती)_
Pronunciation: wair-ee/वेरी
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
Synonyms: cautious, careful, vigilant, circumspect
Antonyms: careless, heedless, negligent
Use in a Sentence: My mother advseid me to be wary of strangers who offer me a ride.
_9. Word: Congenial (सौहार्दपूर्ण)_
Pronunciation: kuh n-jeen-yuh l/कन्जीन्यल
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. (of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one’s own.
b. (of a thing) pleasant or agreeable because suited to one’s taste or inclination.
Synonyms: amiable, cordial, grateful
Antonyms: obnoxious, harsh, offensive
Use in a Sentence: My sister like to take some pleasures in more congenial surroundings.
_10. Word: Scare-mongers (तहलका मचानेवाला)_
Pronunciation: skair-muhng-ger/स्केमंगअर
#Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a person who spreads frightening or ominous reports or rumours.
Synonyms: pessimists, doomsters
Antonyms: optimists
Use in a Sentence: We heard about scaremongering that a minimum wage will destroy some jobs.
_11. Word: Mom-and-pop_
Pronunciation: mom-uh n-pop
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a small-scale, owner-operated business.
Synonyms: business, company, enterprise
Use in a Sentence: This is a mom-and-pop shop.
**_12. Word: Brick-and-Mortar_&*
Pronunciation: [brik-uh n-mawr-ter]
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: pertaining to conventional stores, businesses, etc., having physical buildings and facilities
Synonyms: short-staffed, corporate, undermanned
Use in a Sentence: Some people