Daily Vocab and Idiom of day – 23 June

By | June 25, 2018

➡ Vocab_ of_ the _ day
▪ Word ~ Wobble
▪ Part of speech ~ Verb
▪ Meaning~ To shake in an unsteady way. (लड़खड़ाना)
▪ Synonyms ~Teeter , Waver, Vacillate, Seesaw
▪ Antonyms~ Steady, Stabilized, Advance, Budge
▪ Example~ She was wobbling after him in her high heels shoes.(वह अपनी ऊँची हील वाली जूती में उसके पीछे लड़खड़ाते हुए चल रही थी। )

➡ One word substitutions
◆ Bulwark ~ Something that protects you from danger. (रक्षक)
◆ Diaspora~ The spreading of people from one original country to other countries.(प्रवास )

➡ Idioms of the day
◆ Out of touch~ To no longer have the recent knowledge or information about something.(जानकारी न होना)
◆ To carry through~ To bring to a successful end. (सफल हो जाना)

➡ Difficult Spellings of the day
◆Hypochondriac~ (रोगभ्रमी)
◆Acrimonious~ (उग्र)

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