1. Word of the day: Minuscule (बहुत सूक्ष्म)
Pronunciation: min-uh-skyool/मिनस्क्यूल
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: extremely small; tiny.
Synonyms: diminutive, little
Antonyms: huge, gigantic
Use in a Sentence: The chances of getting the disease are minuscule.
2. Word: Spat (विवाद करना)
Pronunciation: स्पैट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a petty quarrel.
Synonyms: squabble, dispute
Antonyms: agreement, concord
Use in a Sentence: She was having a spat with her husband about who did the laundry up.
3. Word: Commensurate (अनुरूप)
Pronunciation: kuh-men-ser-it/कमेन्सरिट
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.
Synonyms: proportionate, equivalent
Antonyms: inadequate, disproportionate
Use in a Sentence: The salary should be commensurate with the job.
4. Word: Perpetuate (स्थिर करना)
Pronunciation: per-pech-oo-eyt/पर्पेचूएट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: make (something) continue indefinitely.
Synonyms: continue, maintain
Antonyms: stop, prevent
Use in a Sentence: These actions will perpetuate the hostility between the two groups.
5. Word: Truce (युद्धविराम)
Pronunciation: troos/ट्रूस
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time.
Synonyms: armistice, peace, reconciliation
Antonyms: struggle, battle, combat
Use in a Sentence: The white flag is a symbol of a truce.
6. Word: Communique (सरकारी सूचना)
Pronunciation: kuh-myoo-ni-key/कम्यूनकै
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: an official announcement or statement, especially one made to the media.
Synonyms: notice, report, statement
Antonyms: uploading, collect
Use in a Sentence: The statement was made in a communique issued by the Finance Minister.
7. Word: Vicious (अनैतिक)
Pronunciation: vish-uh s/विशस
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: deliberately cruel or violent/immoral
Synonyms: wicked, sinful, brutal
Antonyms: kind, benevolent
Use in a Sentence: He suffered a vicious attack by a group of thieves.
8. Word: Endorse (समर्थन करना)
Pronunciation: en-dawrs/
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: declare one’s public approval or support of.
Synonyms: sanction, certify
Antonyms: disapprove, oppose
Use in a Sentence: I can endorse my father’s opinion wholeheartedly.
9. Word: Unveil (रहस्योद्घाटन करना)
Pronunciation: uhn-veyl/अन्वैल
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: show or announce publicly for the first time.
Synonyms: reveal, expose, disclose
Antonyms: hide, conceal
Use in a Sentence: The panel will unveil its proposals tomorrow.
10. Word: Retaliation (प्रति-हिंसा)
Pronunciation: ri-tal-ee-ey-shuh n/रीटैलीऐशन
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the action of returning a military attack; counter-attack.
b. the action of harming someone because they have harmed oneself; revenge.
Synonyms: revenge, punishment
Antonyms: mercy, forgiveness
Use in a Sentence: The armed forces were on high alert to guard against any retaliation.
11. Word: Tit-for-tat (जैसे को तैसा)
Pronunciation: Tit-for-tat/टिट-फॉर-टैट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the infliction of an injury or insult in return for one that one has suffered.
Synonyms: avenging, grudging, retailation
Antonyms: forgiving
Use in a Sentence: This time we gave tit for tat, fought and made a very good job of it.
12. Word: Tiff (मनमुटाव)
Pronunciation: tif/टिफ
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a petty quarrel, especially one between friends or lovers.
Synonyms: spat, wrangle
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Use in a Sentence: Both women patched up their tiff again.