Important Vocabulary Words from the Article – 24 September 2018

By | September 25, 2018

Important Words from the article
1. Word: Restraint (नियंत्रण)
Pronunciation: ri-streynt/रीस्ट्रैन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.
b. unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behaviour; self-control.
Synonyms:  self-discipline, control
Antonyms: freedom, allowance
Use in Sentence: The girl showed great restraint in not crying.

2. Word: Infuse (भर देना)
Pronunciation: in-fyooz/इन्फ्यूज़
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: fill; pervade
Synonyms: permeate, suffuse
Antonyms: remove, take away
Use in a Sentence: He infused enthusiasm into his students.

3. Word: Peddle (बढ़ावा देना)
Pronunciation: ped-l/पेडल
Part of Speech: Verb
a. promote (an idea or view) persistently or widely.
b. try to sell (something, especially small goods) by going from place to place.
Synonyms: advocate, urge
Antonyms: understate, minimize
Use in Sentence: Street vendors peddle their goods along the sidewalk.

4. Word: Credibility (विश्वसनीयता)
Pronunciation: kred-uh-bil-i-tee/ क्रेडिबिलिटी
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the quality of being trusted and believed in.
b. the quality of being convincing or believable.
Synonyms: reliability, trustworthiness
Antonyms: dishonesty, betrayal
Use in Sentence: The report gives an appearance of scientific credibility

5. Word: Trail (राह निकाल लेना)
Pronunciation: treyl/ट्रैल
Part of Speech: Verb
a. draw or be drawn along behind someone or something.
b. walk or move slowly or wearily.
c. to follow the track, trail, or scent of; track.
Synonyms: dawdle, trace
Antonyms: surpass, anticipate
Use in Sentence: The storm left a trailof destruction in its wake.

6. Phrase: Lay Down (निर्धारित करना/ अर्पित करना)
Part of Speech: Phrasal Verb
Meaning: To specify/ To store for the future.
Synonyms: establish, prescribe, impose
Antonyms: erode, avoid, negate
Use in a Sentence: The manager laid down the standards that he wanted the organization run by.

7. Word: Bring Down (कम करना)
Pronunciation: ब्रिंग डाउन
Part of Speech: Phrase
Meaning: to reduce the rate, level, or amount of something
Synonyms: put down, conquer
Antonyms: promote, encourage
Use in Sentence: Her mother used ice packs to bring down her temperature.

8. Word: Exposure (खुलासा)
Pronunciation: ik-spoh-zher/इक्स्पोश़र
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the state of having no protection from something harmful.
b. the revelation of something secret, especially something embarrassing or damaging.
Synonyms: disclosure, vulnerability
Antonyms: protection, concealment
Use in Sentence: The man dried his clothes by exposure to the sun.

9. Word: Garner (एकत्र करना)
Pronunciation: gahr-ner/गार्नर
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: gather or collect (something, especially information or approval).
Synonyms: amass, accumulate
Antonyms: spread, dissipate
Use in a Sentence: This product does not garner all the essentials.

10. Word: Ought (कर्तव्य)
Pronunciation: awt/ऑट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. used to indicate duty or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.
b. used to indicate something that is probable.
Synonyms: onus, obligation
Antonyms: ownerless
Use in Sentence: Everyone ought to amplify his spiritual life.

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