Important Words from Article THE HINDU– 03 October 2018

By | October 4, 2018

Important Vocabulary Words from the Article 03-10-2018

1. Word: Rationalize (सिद्ध करना)
Part of Speech: Verb
a. attempt to explain or justify (behaviour or an attitude) with logical reasons, even if these are not appropriate.
b. make (a company, process, or industry) more efficient, especially by dispensing with superfluous personnel or equipment.
Pronunciation: rash-uh-nl-ahyz/रैशनलाइज़
Synonyms: justify, vindicate
Antonyms: complicate, obscure
Use in a Sentence: They attempted to rationalize the new functioning method.

2. Word: Delve (खोज करना)
Part of Speech: Verb
a. reach inside a receptacle and search for something.
b. dig; excavate.
Pronunciation: delv/डेल्व
Synonyms: explore, probe
Antonyms: conceal, acquire
Use in a Sentence: We should not delve too deeply into this painful matter.

3. Word: Plague (कष्ट देना)
Part of Speech: Verb
a) cause continual trouble or distress to.
Synonyms: harass, pester, annoy
Antonyms: aid, advantage, benefit
Use in a Sentence: Fears about job security plague nearly half the workforce.

4. Word: Burgeon (बढ़ना)
Pronunciation: bur-juh n]/बर्जन
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.
Synonyms: develop, expand
Antonyms: diminish, dwindle
Use in a Sentence: Seeds begin to burgeon at the initiation of spring.

5. Word: Rampant (अनियंत्रित)
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: flourishing or spreading unchecked.
Pronunciation: रैम्पन्ट
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unrestrained, pervasive
Antonyms: sparse, limited, controlled
Use in a Sentence: Poverty was rampant in the nonurban areas of the country.

6. Word: Languish (क्षीण होना)
Part of Speech: Verb
a. (of a person, animal, or plant) lose or lack vitality; grow weak.
b. be forced to remain in an unpleasant place or situation.
Pronunciation: lang-gwish/लैंगग्विश
Synonyms: deteriorate, decay
Antonyms: recover, flourish
Use in a Sentence: The children soon began to languish in the heat.

7. Word: Envisage (विचार करना)
Pronunciation: en-viz-ij/एन्विज़िज
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event.
Synonyms: imagine, visualize, conceive
Antonyms: unseen, undesirable
Use in Sentence: I can envisage difficulties if you continue with this policy.

8. Word: Merely (केवल)
Pronunciation: meer-lee/मीर्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
Meaning: only as specified and nothing more; simply
Synonyms: simply, solely, alone
Antonyms: absolute, abundantly
Use in a Sentence: There is no point in merely repeating what we’ve done earlier.

9. Word: Patchy (अपूर्ण)
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. existing or happening in small, isolated areas.
b. not of the same quality throughout; inconsistent.
Pronunciation: pach-ee/पैची
Synonyms: uneven, inadequate
Antonyms: consistent, regular
Use in a Sentence: Her knowledge of German remained pretty patchy.

10. Word: Mere (एकमात्र)
Pronunciation: meer/मीर
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is.
Synonyms: sheer, scant, utter
Antonyms: powerful, blighted
Use in a Sentence: It was certainly more to than this mere opportunism.

11. Word: Compliant (आज्ञाकारी)
Pronunciation: kuh m-plahy-uh nt/कम्प्लाइअन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.
b. an illness or medical condition, especially a relatively minor one.
Synonyms: flexible, submissive
Antonyms: adamant, stubborn
Use in a Sentence: Some patients are very compliant in the hospital.

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