Daily The Hindu Vocabulary – 18 November 2018

By | November 20, 2018

The_Hindu_Vocabulary_4_You – 18-11-2018

1. autocracy (noun)- तानाशाही, निरंकुश राज्यशासन
Synonyms- dictatorship, oppression
Antonyms- democracy, commonwealth
Eg. The Prime Minister has moved progressively from autocracy to authoritarianism.

2. authoritarianism(noun)- सत्तावाद
Synonyms- despotism, totalitarianism
Antonyms- democracy, egalitarianism
Eg. The Prime Minister has moved progressively from autocracy to authoritarianism.

3. Treason (noun)- राजद्रोह, विश्वासघात
Synonyms- disloyalty, treachery
Antonyms- trustworthiness, fedelity
Eg. Criticism of the Hasina regime is equated with treason against the state.

4. fief (noun)- जागीर, मिल्कियत
Synonyms- estate, property
Antonyms- public, civil
Eg. The party machine has become her personal fief and the attempt at dynastic continuity is palpable.

5. belligerent(verb)- युद्धकारी, लड़ाकू
Synonyms- aggressive, combative
Antonyms- peaceloving,calm
Eg. The international outcry on Mr. Alam’s imprisonment has failed to move the Prime Minister, who is ever-more belligerent.

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