Important Words from Article THE HINDU– 16 November 2018

By | November 16, 2018

➡ Challenging Words from the Article 16-11-2018

1. Word: Fickle (अस्थिर)
Pronunciation: fik-uhl/फिकल
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: changing frequently, especially as regards one’s loyalties or affections.
Synonyms: capricious, changeable, variable, volatile
Antonyms: stable, constant, steady
Use in a Sentence: The group has been notoriously fickle in the past.

2.Word: Bullish (आशावान)
Pronunciation: boo l-ish/बुलिश
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. aggressively confident and self-assertive.
b. characterized by rising share prices.
Synonyms: optimistic, hopeful, buoyant
Antonyms: pessimistic, gloomy, dreadful
Use in a Sentence: He is very bullish about the prospects of his business.

3. Word: Weigh down (झुका देना)
Pronunciation: wey doun/वे डाउन
Part of Speech: Verb
a. to cause to bend down: overburden.
b. oppress, depress.
Synonyms: overload, trouble, impede
Antonyms: lighten, relieve, cheer
Use in a Sentence: Any buildup in bad loans could weigh down growth and public finances.

4. Word: Benchmark (मानदण्ड )
Pronunciation: bench-mahrk/ बेंचमार्क
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a standard of excellence, achievement, etc.
b. any standard or reference by which others can be measured or compared
Synonyms: standard, measure, yardstick
Antonyms: estimate, guess
Use in a Sentence: The truck industry is a benchmark for the economy.

5. Word: Non-committal (अवचनबद्ध)
Pronunciation: non-kuh-mital/नॉन कमिटल
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: not expressing a clear opinion or decision
Synonyms: reserved, careful, prudent
Antonyms: revealing, careless, indiscreet
Use in a Sentence: The judge was non-committal about the case when questioned by reporters.

6. Word: Ramp up ( जुटाना)
Pronunciation: ram p- up/ रैंप उप
Part of Speech: Verb
a. to make something increase in amount
b. strengthen
Synonyms: build up, develop, progress, escalate
Antonyms: corrode, reduce, decrease
Use in a Sentence: The company announced plans to ramp up production to 10 000 units per month.

7. Word: Negate (अस्वीकार करना)
Pronunciation: ni-geyt/ निगेट
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: make ineffective; nullify.
Synonyms: deny, contradict
Antonyms: affirm, approve
Use in a Sentence: Our actions often negate our principles.

8. Word: Apprehensions (डर)
Pronunciation: ap-ri-hen-shuh n/ ऐप्रिहेन्शन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.
Synonyms: dreads, misgivings
Antonyms: confidences, calms
Use in a Sentence: The change in the law has caused apprehension among many people.

9. Word: Prompt (शीघ्र)
Pronunciation: prom t/ प्राम्प्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb, Adverb
a. done without delay; immediate. [Adjective]
b. (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling). [Verb]
c. exactly (with reference to a specified time). [Adverb]
Synonyms: impel, persuade
Antonyms: tardy, sluggish
Use in a Sentence: We would be grateful for prompt payment of your account.

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