➡ Challenging Words from the Article 20-11-2018
1. Word: Eloquently (अर्थपूर्ण ढंग से)
Pronunciation: el-uh-kwuh nt-lee/एलक्वन्ट्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
Meaning: in a fluent or persuasive manner.
Synonyms: articulately, smoothly, impressively
Antonyms: innocently, naively, purely
Use in a Sentence: His face expressed his grief more eloquentlythan any words.
2. Word: Articulate (स्पष्ट रूप से कहना)
Pronunciation: ahr-tik-yuh-lit/आर्टिक्यलट
Part of Speech: Adjective, Verb
a. having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently. [Adjective]
b. pronounce (something) clearly and distinctly. [Verb]
Synonyms: enunciate, express
Antonyms: incoherent, unclear
Use in a Sentence: The man struggled to articulate his thoughts.
3. Word: Orchestrate (योजना बनाना)
Pronunciation: awr-kuh-streyt/ऑर्किस्ट्रैट
Part of Speech: Verb
a. arrange or score (music) for orchestral performance.
b. plan or coordinate the elements of (a situation) to produce the desired effect, especially surreptitiously.
Synonyms: arrange, adapt, score, manage, mobilize, mount
Antonyms: scattered, random, arbitrary
Use in a Sentence: The presentation was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity.
4. Word: Chaotic (अस्त-व्यस्त)
Pronunciation: key-ot-ik/कैआटिक
Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: in a state of complete confusion and disorder.
Synonyms: disorganized, jumbled, turbulent
Antonyms: systematic, tidy, calm, tranquil
Use in a Sentence: The traffic in the city is chaotic in the rush hour.
5. Word: In the wake of (के परिणाम स्वरूप)
Part of Speech: Phrase of wake
Meaning: following (someone or something), especially as a consequence.
Synonyms: later on, coming after, after a while
Antonyms: all along
Use in a Sentence: The security at the airport was extra tight in the wake of yesterday’s bomb blasts.
6. Word: Ramifications (प्रतिशाखा)
Pronunciation: ram-uh-fi-key-shuh n/ रैमफकैशन
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action or event.
b. a subdivision of a complex structure or process.
c. the action of ramifying or the state of being ramified.
Synonyms: result, aftermath, outcome, effect, upshot
Antonyms: causes, no results
Use in a Sentence: Have you considered all the ramifications of your suggestion?
7. Word: Loom (संकट मँडराना)
Pronunciation: loom/लूम
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening
Synonyms: menace, emerge, stand out
Antonyms: disappear, diminish, remove
Use in a Sentence: We should flag those problems that could loom ahead.
8. Word: Spate (बड़ी संख्या में)
Pronunciation: speyt/स्पैट
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a large number of similar things coming in quick succession.
Synonyms: surge, heap
Antonyms: shortage, paucity
Use in a Sentence: After heavy rain, the river was in spate.
9. Word: Fragility (कोमलता)
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the quality of being easily broken or damaged.
b. the quality of being delicate or vulnerable.
Pronunciation: fraj-ili-ity/फ्रजिलिटी
Synonyms: infirmity, feebleness
Antonyms: harshness, resilience
Use in a Sentence: There was an air of fragility about him.
10. Word: Defer (आस्थगित करना)
Pronunciation: dih-fur/डिफर
Part of Speech: Verb
Meaning: put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone.
Synonyms: adjourn, delay, hold over
Antonyms: accelerate, hasten, expedite
Use in Sentence: The committee wishes to defer their decision until next week.
11. Word: At the heart of (वास्तव में)
Pronunciation: एट द हर्ट ऑफ़
Part of Speech: Phrase
Meaning: Fundamentally or intrinsically
Synonyms: actually, substantially, in essence
Antonyms: apparently, doubtfully, superficially
Use in a Sentence: How they strike a balance between the two is at the heart of corporate strategy.