Important Words from Article THE HINDU– 4 December 2018

By | December 4, 2018

➡ Challenging Words from the Article 04-12-2018

1. Word: Strident (तीक्ष्ण)
Pronunciation: strahyd-nt/स्ट्राइडन्ट
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. (of a sound) loud and harsh; grating.
b. presenting a point of view, especially a controversial one, in an excessively forceful way.
Synonyms: raucous, rough, grating, rasping, jarring
Antonyms: melodious, soft, gentle, quiet
Use in a Sentence: The was strident and dogmatic in giving his opinions.

2. Word: Introspective (आत्मविश्लेषी)
Pronunciation: in-truh-spek-tiv/इन्ट्रोस्पेक्टिव
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. characterized by or given to introspection (the examination or observation of one’s own mental and emotional processes.)
Synonyms: inward-looking, self-analysing, self-examining, self-observing
Antonyms: extrovert, sociable, demonstrative
Use in a Sentence: The man allowed his works to express an introspectiveconsciousness of individual isolation.

3. Word: Turbulence  (अशांति)
Pronunciation: tur-byuh-luh ns/ टर्ब्युलन्स
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a state of conflict or confusion.
Synonyms: disturbance, agitation, turmoil
Antonyms: calmness, serenity, tranquility
Use in a Sentence: Yesterday, I had a very smooth journey with no turbulence at all.

4. Word: Lament (दुखी होना)
Pronunciation: luh-ment/लमेन्ट
Part of Speech: Verb, noun
a. a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. [Noun]
b. express regret or disappointment about something. [Verb]
Synonyms: mourn, sorrow
Antonyms: rejoice, triumph
Use in a Sentence: He composed a lament to the dead soldier.

5. Word: Bygone (पुराना/विगत)
Pronunciation: बाइगॉन/bahy-gawn
Part of Speech: Adjective, Noun
a. belonging to an earlier time. [Adjective]
b. a thing dating from an earlier time. [Noun]
Synonyms:  past, former, one-time, previous, forgotten, lost
Antonyms: future, recent, instant
Use in a Sentence: The book recalls other memories of a bygone age.

6. Word: Unravel (स्पष्ट करना)
Pronunciation: uhn-rav-uh l/अन्रैवल
Part of Speech: Verb
a. undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads).
b. investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling).
Synonyms: disentangle, resolve, elucidate, explain
Antonyms: puzzle, perplex, bewilder
Use in Sentence: It has proved very difficult to unravel the twists and turns of the proof.

7. Word: Invade (आक्रमण करना)
Pronunciation: in-veyd/इन्वैड
Part of Speech: Verb
a. (of an armed force) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.
b. enter (a place, situation, or sphere of activity) in large numbers, especially with intrusive effect.
c. (of a parasite or disease) spread into (an organism or bodily part).
Synonyms: occupy, conquer, capture, permeate
Antonyms: depart, evacuate, recede
Use in a Sentence: The decision to invade provoked storms of protest.

8. Word: Pursuit (अनुसरण, कोशिश)
Pronunciation: per-soot/पर्सूट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the act of pursuing someone or something.
b. an activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or sporting one.
Synonyms: work, enterprise, mission, seeking
Antonyms: retreat, surrender, detest
Use in a Sentence: She travelled the world in pursuit of her dreams.

9. Word: Rhetoric (शब्दाडम्बर)
Pronunciation: ret-er-ik/रेटरिक
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect, but which is often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
Synonyms: Elocution, Discourse, Bombast
Antonyms: Conciseness, Quiet
Use in a Sentence: As the elections are just one week away, the rhetoric on both parties is building.

10. Word: Turmoil (खलबली)
Pronunciation: tur-moil/टर्मॉइल
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty.
Synonyms: disorder, clutter, chaos, mess
Antonyms: calm, peace, structure
Use in a Sentence: His mind was in a state of constant turmoil.

11. Word: Concomitant (सहवर्ती)
Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective
Pronunciation: kon-kom-i-tuh nt/कान्कामिटन्ट
a. a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something. [Noun]
b. naturally accompanying or associated. [Adjective]
Synonyms: attendant, collateral
Antonyms: unrelated, irrelevant
Use in a Sentence: Loss of memory is a natural concomitant of old age.

12. Word: Restrain (नियंत्रित करना)
Pronunciation: ri-streyn/रीस्ट्रैन
Part of Speech: Verb
a. prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within limits.
b. control (a strong urge or emotion).
c. deprive (someone) of freedom of movement or personal liberty.
Synonyms: hinder, inhibit
Antonyms: unleash, promote
Use in a Sentence: Sanya tried her best to restrain her younger sister

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