Important Words from Article THE HINDU– 22 Feb 2019

By | February 22, 2019

➡ Challenging Words from the Article 22-02-2019

1. Phrase: To have skin in the game (विपत्ति पूर्ण निवेश करना)
Pronunciation: टू हैव स्किन इन थर गेम
Part of Speech: Idiom
Meaning: to have incurred risk (monetary or otherwise) by being involved in achieving a goal
Synonyms: interests at stake, invest heavily
Antonyms: withdraw, detach
Usage in a Sentence: You take more ownership of something when you have some skin in the game.

2. Phrase: Go-it-alone (बिना सहयोग के कार्य करना)
Pronunciation: गो इट अलोन
Part of Speech: Phrase
Meaning: act by oneself without assistance
Synonyms: independent, unsupported, self-help, self-reliance
Antonyms: dependent, supported
Usage in a Sentence: He’s decided to leave the band and go it alone as a singer.

3. Word: Climbdown (अपनी गलती मानना)
Pronunciation: klahym-doun/ क्लाइम डाउन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a withdrawal from a position taken up in argument or negotiation
Synonyms: decline, setback, recoil
Antonyms: assent, move forward
Usage in a Sentence: The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies.

4. Word: Wafer-thin (बहुत कम)
Pronunciation: wey-fer-thin/ वेफर थिन
Part of Speech: Adjective, Adverb
Meaning: very thin or thinly
Synonyms: subtle, insubstantial
Antonyms: substantial
Usage in a Sentence: No Government could continue on so wafer-thin a majority.

5. Word: Faction (उपद्रवी दल)
Pronunciation: fak-shuhn/ फैक्शन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics.
Synonyms: party, group, sect
Antonyms: unity, conformity, agreement
Usage in a Sentence: A rebel factionhas split away from the main group.

6. Word: Tie-up (सम्बद्ध)
Pronunciation: tahy-uhp/ टाइ अप
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: a link or connection, especially one between commercial companies.
Synonyms: affiliation, association, link, reunion
Antonyms: isolation, advance, encouragement
Usage in a Sentence: Cambridge University Press arranged a tie-upwith the German publisher Klett.

7. Word: Perception (संवेदन)
Pronunciation: per-sep-shuhn/ पर्सेप्शन
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses.
Synonyms: understanding, feeling, awareness
Antonyms: misunderstanding, incomprehension
Usage in a Sentence: We have to change the public’s perception that money is being wasted.

8. Word: Stake (दाँव)
Pronunciation: steyk/ स्टेक
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end, driven into the ground to support a plant, form part of a fence, mark a boundary, etc. [Noun]
b. a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky game or venture. [Noun]
c. gamble (money or something else of value) on the outcome of a game or race. [Verb]
Synonyms: risk, hazard, gamble, wager
Antonyms: certainty, guard
Usage in a Sentence: She has a stake in the future success of the business.

9. Word: Patriarch (कुलपति)
Pronunciation: pey-tree-ahrk/ पेट्रीआर्क
Part of Speech: Noun
Meaning: the male head of a family or tribe
Synonyms: master, chief, superior
Antonyms: matriarch, offspring
Usage in a Sentence: I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children.

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