Vocab Of The Day Part 12

By | December 16, 2015


Synonyms: encouraged, confident

Antonyms: pessimistic, unassured

Example Sentence:

When my master adopted the Panglossian view of the universe I used no arguments that might cloud his serenity.
2. MORDANT (ADJECTIVE): sarcastic

Synonyms: caustic, sardonic Antonyms: calm, pleasant

Example Sentence:

I like that the emotional lives of women are tinged with a kind of mordant humor for the most part.
3. AMPLY (ADVERB): fully, sufficiently

Synonyms: adequately, extensively Antonyms: illiberal, insufficiently

Example Sentence:

I declined it, because I felt that I had been amply paid by the pleasure which I had derived from the journey.
4. PAT (ADJECTIVE): relevant, suitable

Synonyms: apposite, fitting Antonyms: irrelevant, wrong

Example Sentence:

Recent events give us examples of outcomes likely to be pat in the future.
5. EMEND (VERB): correct

Synonyms: alter, improve Antonyms: worsen, ruin

Example Sentence:

Some critical scholar of eminence should be called upon to emend or explain this mysterious passage.
6. PLUMB (VERB): probe, go into

Synonyms: penetrate, unravel Antonyms: misunderstand, estimate

Example Sentence:

She believes her illness has bestowed on her a single-mindedness that causes her to plumb the same waters again and again.
7. EVISCERATE (VERB): disembowel

Synonyms: devitalize, weaken Antonyms: strengthen, energize

Example Sentence:

Scientists are figuring out how to locate and eviscerate the worst moments of your life.
8. TICKLISH (ADJECTIVE): difficult, tricky

Synonyms: awkward, precarious Antonyms: easy, straightforward

Example Sentence:

There are ticklish times coming, be certain of that, and my experience may be of great service to you.
9. FAWNING (ADJECTIVE): deferential, groveling

Synonyms: flattering, bowing Antonyms: proud, unfriendly

Example Sentence:

His anger changed to meekness, and his words were mild and fawning.
10. SCRUPLE (NOUN): misgiving, doubt

Synonyms: caution, censor Antonyms: ease, unconcern

Example Sentence:

My principles were true; my motives were pure: why should I scruple to avow my principles and vindicate my actions?

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