Vocab Of The Day Part 14

By | December 18, 2015


Synonyms: exclusive, final

Antonyms: unprofiting, unclear

Example Sentence:

We know that this form of association is not primary and irreducible.
2. HOLOCAUST (NOUN): widespread destruction

Synonyms: devastation, extermination Antonyms: development, build

Example Sentence:

So we never heard from him again and heard he had been killed, because there were Jews being killed after the holocaust in the country.
3. IMPERTURBABLE (VERB): calm, collected

Synonyms: complacent, composed Antonyms: jittery, irritable

Example Sentence:

The tumult evidently had not affected his imperturbable gayety.
4. HOARSE (ADJECTIVE): raspy in voice

Synonyms: harsh, gruff Antonyms: polite, smooth

Example Sentence:

His voice turned hoarse after he addressed several meetings
5. HUMONGOUS (NOUN): very large

Synonyms: immense, prodigious Antonyms: small, tiny

Example Sentence:

I feel sleepy because I ate a humongous lunch.

Synonyms: captivating, delightful Antonyms: repulsive, unattractive

Example Sentence:

I have here pictured Rydal Water as a winsome summer lake, for this I am sure, before most of us who know it, its image rises.
7. WILT (VERB): sag, fail

Synonyms: dwindle, fade Antonyms: develop, expand

Example Sentence:

And when he failed, the whole system was destined to wilt, because he was the system.
8. ANIMUS (NOUN): hostility

Synonyms: bile, mind Antonyms: friendliness, kindness

Example Sentence:

They showed strong animus against the protestors.
9. IMPORTUNATE (ADJECTIVE): demanding, insistent

Synonyms: dogged, clamant Antonyms: unimportant, undemanding

Example Sentence:

These and many more annoying and importunate people make life a burden to me.
10. CONTUSION (NOUN): bruise, injury

Synonyms: swelling, bang Antonyms: compliment, praise

Example Sentence:

When the contusion is slight, fomentations of warm vinegar and water, frequently applied, will generally relieve it.

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