1. CASANOVA (NOUN): ladies’ man
Synonyms: Romeo, paramour
Antonyms: enemy, anti
Example Sentence:
He was still holding Casanova’s hands, and he pressed them fondly.
2. PAWN (NOUN): security for a loan
Synonyms: assurance, collateral Antonyms: break, uncertainty
Example Sentence:
The young lady had no comprehension of the fact that she was only a pawn in the game.
3. ASTIGMATIC (ADJECTIVE): able only to see things near at hand
Synonyms: nearsighted, myopic Antonyms: far-sighted, perceptive
Example Sentence:
They belonged to a person who was near-sighted and astigmatic in the left eye and almost certainly blind in the right.
4. INSURRECTION (NOUN): rebellion
Synonyms: revolt, riot Antonyms: compliance, subordination
Example Sentence:
In a few minutes the square was cleared and the insurrection was over.
5. REHASH (VERB): talk over again
Synonyms: restate, repeat Antonyms: deny, refuse
Example Sentence:
It is, of course, but a rehash of speculations which amuses a half-hour.
6. TRAUMATIC (ADJECTIVE): scary, shocking
Synonyms: alarming, dreadful Antonyms: pleasing, comforting
Example Sentence:
Parents described the incident as “traumatic and humiliating” for their kids.
7. SQUAT (ADJECTIVE): short and stocky
Synonyms: broad, fat Antonyms: slight, thin
Example Sentence:
It was a squat building with two floors above ground and two below and the grounds
surrounded by a wire fence.
8. INCURSION (NOUN): invasion
Synonyms: attack, foray Antonyms: retreat, thin
Example Sentence:
Then, at last, when there was no need of it, the king landed and made an incursion for plunder into the country.
9. SQUELCH (VERB): suppress, restrain
Synonyms: extinguish, oppress Antonyms: uncompress, let go
Example Sentence:
Yes, the party wants to squelch cultural expressions that threaten its own continuity and survival.
10. CONDONE (VERB): make allowance for
Synonyms: excuse, forgive Antonyms: condemn, prevent
Example Sentence:
She could even understand those facts, though she could not condone them.