1. JANGLE (NOUN): cacophony of noises
Synonyms: clang, racket
Antonyms: calm, peace
Example Sentence:
A jangle as of dungeon chains clanked heavily from each fresh revolution of its progress.
2. SEQUESTRATION (NOUN): seclusion
Synonyms: aloofness, detachment
Antonyms: togetherness, connection
Example Sentence:
Going forward, Republicans are hoping they can use the continuation of sequestration as leverage in future budget showdowns.
3. CIRCADIAN (ADJECTIVE): occurring every day; during the day
Synonyms: constantly, everyday
Antonyms: uncommon, unusual
Example Sentence:
To read their letters is a similar exercise, even when the correspondence regards only circadian matters.
Synonyms: gloomy, obscure
Antonyms: bright, hopeful
Example Sentence:
Inside the caliginous lounge, there are lasers illuminating walls covered in graffiti, and staffers donning masquerade masks.
5. CONVULSION (NOUN): muscle spasm
Synonyms: contraction, tremor
Antonyms: harmony, peace
Example Sentence:
I had a vague belief that he was suffering from a fit or some form of convulsion.
6. GRUBBY (ADJECTIVE): dirty, disheveled
Synonyms: filthy, grimy
Antonyms: clean, sterile
Example Sentence
Before the envelope containing salacious details makes it into the grubby hands of the media, tell everything.
7. RESUPINE (ADJECTIVE): lying down
Synonyms: decumbent, flat
Antonyms: upright, straight
Example Sentence:
It is resupine, and difficult to harvest for hay when seeded alone.
Synonyms: adventurous, confident
Antonyms: afraid, meek
Example Sentence:
And what makes me be so undauntable about him is that he wants it so badly.
9. NEBBISH (NOUN): nonentity
Synonyms: nobody, upstart
Antonyms: something, entity
Example Sentence:
Talk radio remained a nebbish when it came to fundraising for candidates.
10. TRENCHANCY (NOUN): sarcasm
Synonyms: acridity, censure
Antonyms: compliment, kindness
Example Sentence:
Still, trenchancy whether in speaker or writer is a most effective tone for a large public.