1. METHODICAL (ADJECTIVE): in an orderly manner
Synonyms: organized, disciplined
Antonyms: disorderly, disorganized
Example Sentence: James is a methodical guy who faced no problem following the SOP of the incubator.
2. MILITANT (ADJECTIVE): aggressive
Synonyms: combative, belligerent
Antonyms: peaceful, tolerant Example Sentence: The militant employees initiated the hunger strike against the company and refused to eat until salaries were increased.
3. MONOTONOUS (ADJECTIVE): lacking in variety and interest
Synonyms: tedious, repetitious
Antonym: interesting, lively
Example Sentence: If your daily routine has become too monotonous, all you need is a short vacation.
4. MOTTLED (ADJECTIVE): stained with patches Synonyms: speckled, streaked Antonyms: plain, clean
Example Sentence: Johnny’s father painted the mottled design of stars and moon on the blue ceiling just as he wanted it to be.
5. MUSE (NOUN): something or someone that inspires
Synonyms: stimulus, afflatus
Antonyms: hindrance, discouragement
Example Sentence: Robert was able to get his dream job because his wife stood by his side and became the muse in his life.
6. MALLEABLE (ADJECTIVE): capable of being easily changed or influenced Synonyms: flexible, pliable
Antonym: rigid, stringent
Example Sentence: Helena is concerned about her malleable son being around notorious kids.
7. MALEFICENT (ADJECTIVE): harmful or evil in intent or effect Synonyms: sinful, wicked
Antonyms: kind, benevolent
Example Sentence: The stranger has a maleficent look in his eyes which made the kid cower back from his reach.
8. MISSIVE (NOUN): a written note
Synonyms: memorandum, message
Antonyms: speech, conversation
Example Sentence: A missive was place in every student’s locker by the school management regarding the inspection that had been done.
9. MACABRE (ADJECTIVE): disturbing
Synonyms: frightening, ghastly
Antonyms: pleasant, cheerful
Example sentence: The emo kid’s painting was downright macabre and inappropriate to be displayed at the exhibition.
10. MANDATE (NOUN): permission to do something
Synonyms: order, directions Antonyms: denial refusal
Example Sentence: Jemma’s landlord cannot evict her of the house as he didn’t have a court mandate.