Vocab Of The Day Part 167

By | October 29, 2016

. SPAN (VERB): stretch over

Synonyms: traverse, extend

Antonyms: unlink, compress

Example Sentence:

The meeting got spanned for two hours.

2. COGNIZANCE (NOUN): awareness

Synonyms: cognition, insight Antonyms: inattention, neglect

Example Sentence:

His cognizance regarding the topic was really low.

3. METICULOUSLY (ADVERB): accurately

Synonyms: precisely, flawlessly Antonyms: incorrectly, wrongly

Example Sentence:

He did the job meticulously.

4. PLEADING (ADJECTIVE): imploring

Synonyms: supplicating, beseeching Antonyms: rejecting, accepting

Example Sentence:

The pleading beggar was given 10 rupees.

5. INTERVENTION (NOUN): the act of intervening

Synonyms: interference, intercession Antonyms: ignorance, negligence

Example Sentence:

They were tired of our interventions.

6. VILEST (ADJECTIVE): offensive

Synonyms: appalling, despicable Antonyms: desirous, uncorrupt

Example Sentence:

The vilest remarks of the player proved harmful for the team.


Synonyms: heinous, vicious Antonyms: gentle, nice

Example Sentence:

The diabolical deeds against women must attract the most rigorous punishment.

8. ASSORTMENT (NOUN): variety

Synonyms: jumble, mishmash Antonyms: monotonous, unmixed

Example Sentence:

The assortment of apparel at the store was amazing.

9. REIN (VERB): restrain

Synonyms: curb, repress Antonyms: disperse, scatter

Example Sentence:

They reined the power of the press.

10. ABDICATE (VERB): give up a right

Synonyms: relinquish, renounce Antonyms: defend, defy

Example Sentence:

He abdicated his post.

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