Important 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (10-11-2017):-
1. Watershed (noun): (An event or period marking a turning point in a situation.) (परिवर्तन/मोड़)
Synonyms: Turning Point, Defining Point, Decisive Point, Peripeteia, Climacteric.
Antonyms: Normality.
Example: Winning Teacher of the Year was a watershed moment in Jim’s career.
2. Schadenfraude (noun): (Pleasure derived by someone from another person’s misfortune.) (उल्लास)
Synonyms: Epicaricacy, Lulz, Delectation (Of Other’s Misfortune).
Antonyms: Sympathy, Empathy.
Example: Jeremy had a feeling of schadenfreude when his ex-wife’s second marriage failed.
Origin: German Schadenfreude, from Schaden ‘harm’ + Freude ‘joy’.
3. Utopia (noun): An imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. (आदर्श स्थिति)
Synonyms: Ideal Place, Paradise, Dreamland, Elysium
Antonyms: Hell, Abyss, Dystopia.
Example: In a utopia, there is plenty of food and water for everyone.
Related words:
Utopian (adjective) – आदर्श
Origin: based on Greek ou ‘not’ + topos ‘place’
4. Aplomb (noun): (Self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.) (मनोबल/संयम)
Synonyms: Poise, Self-Assurance, Self-Confidence, Sangfroid, Nonchalance. .
Antonyms: Fear, Discomposure, Trepidation.
Example: Because the negotiator handled the hostage situation with aplomb, the kidnapper released everyone without harm.
5. Retrospect (noun): (A survey or review of a past course of events or period of time.) (पुनरावलोकन/पश्चादवलोकन)
Synonyms: Revision, Reminiscence, Reconsideration, Hindsight.
Antonyms: Ignorance, Negligence.
Example: Sarah loved working with children, and in retrospect, she wished she had pursued a teaching degree instead of a business degree.
Origin: from retro- ‘back’, on the pattern of the noun prospect.
6. Devolve (verb): (Transfer or delegate to a lower level,) (हस्तांतरित होना/के जिम्मे ठहराना)
Synonyms: Delegate, Pass (Down/On), Hand Down/Over/On, Depute, Transfer, Transmit.
Antonyms: Take Own.
Example: Because Janice cannot do all of the tasks, she has to learn to devolve work to her employees.
Verb forms: Devolve, Devolved, Devolved.
Origin: from Latin devolvere, from de- ‘down’ + volvere ‘to roll’.
7. Cynicism (noun): (Feeling of distrust or that something isn’t going to work out well/ an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest) (अविश्वास)
Synonyms: Distrust, Mistrust, Doubtfulness, Disbelief, Incredulity.
Antonyms: Faith, Trust, Certainty.
Example: After being dumped by his girlfriend, Jack was cynical about dating other women.
Related words:
Cynical (adjective) – Distrustful of human nature and motives
8. Conjure up (phrasal verb): (Summon into action or bring into existence) (आच्छादित करना/प्रकट कर देना/ ध्यान में लाना)
Synonyms: Cause To Appear, Evoke, Summon, Call Forth.
Antonyms: Forget, Ignore, Neglect.
Example: The magician wowed the crowd when he waved his hands and seemingly conjured up a rabbit.
Verb forms: Conjure up, Conjured up, Conjured up.
9. Vengeance (noun): (Retribution exacted for a wrong.) (प्रतिशोध/प्रतिहिंसा)
Synonyms: Revenge, Avengement, Retribution, Reprisal, Vendetta.
Antonyms: Forgiveness, Pardon.
Example: When a gang member shot the leader of a rival gang, he fled town to avoid his enemy’s vengeance.
Related words:
Vengefully (adverb) -प्रतिशोध की भावना से
Origin: from Latin vindicare ‘vindicate’.
10. Turn upside down (idiom): (Put in disorder, mix or mess up) (अस्त-व्यस्त कर देना)
Synonyms: Disorder, Mess Up, Muddle, Disarray, Disorganize.
Antonyms: Order, Comb, Arrange.
Example: He turned the whole house upside down looking for his forgotten car keys.