Important daily 10 Challenging English Words in the Article of the Day with Hindi Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms and Examples (01-12-2017):
1. Duck soup (noun): (An easy task, or someone easy to overcome.) (आसान काम)
Synonyms: Cake Walk, Easy Task, Kid Stuff, Turkey Shoot.
Antonyms: Difficult Task.
Example: He has been playing guitar for 20 years—A birthday tune would be a duck soup for him.
2. Outfox (verb): (Defeat or get the better of (someone) by being clever or cunning.) (चालाकी से हासिल करना)
Synonyms: Outsmart, Bamboozle, Outwit, Out-think, Be cleverer than, Steal a march on.
Antonyms: Be honest.
Example: Alexander was very clever for his age and had already figured out ways to outfox his enemies.
Verb forms: Outfox, Outfoxed, Outfoxed.
3. Climacteric (adjective): (Having extreme and far-reaching implications or results; critical.) (संकटकालीन/अत्यावश्यक)
Synonyms: Critical, Defining, Crucial, Decisive, Significant.
Antonyms: Unimportant, Insignificant.
Example: In climacteric situations, Most of the times Dhoni finished the matches in a superb ways.
4. Ameliorate (verb): (Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better. (सुधारना))
Synonyms: Improve, Amend, Better, Enhance, Refine, Upgrade
Antonyms: Worsen, Damage, Harm, Impair, Injure, Spoil, Tarnish, Vitiate
Example: One can ameliorate your singing by taking a few vocal lessons.
Verb forms: Ameliorate, Ameliorated, Ameliorated
Related words:
Amelioration (verb) – सुधार
Ameliorative (adjective)- सुधारात्मक/सुधारने योग्य
5. Apropos (adjective): (Very appropriate to a particular situation) (उचित/समयोचित)
Synonyms: Appropriate, Pertinent, Relevant, Apposite, Apt, Suitable, Germane
Antonyms: Unsuitable, Unfitting, Inappropriate.
Example: Because my bills were due, the financial gift from my father arrived apropos.
Origin: from French à propos ‘(with regard) to (this) purpose’.
6. Unpropitious (adjective): ((Of a circumstance) not giving or indicating a good chance of success) (अननुकूल)
Synonyms: Unfavorable, Adverse, Inauspicious, Inexpedient.
Antonyms: Advantageous, Auspicious, Favorable.
Example: Off to an unpropitious start, it doesn’t seem if the business will make enough money to keep its doors open.
Related words:
Propitious (adjective) – Giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable
Origin: Latin propitius ‘favourable, gracious’.
7. Lucrative (adjective): Producing a surplus/ something that seems profitable. (लाभ कर/फायदे का)
Synonyms: Advantageous, Gainful, Paying, Profitable, Remunerative
Antonyms: Unprofitable, Poorly-paid.
Example: The arrival of the manufacturing plant will create lucrative jobs for many people in the community.
Related words:
Lucratively (adverb) – Profitably
8. Arable (adjective): ((Of land) used or suitable for growing crops/adequate for cultivating) (कृषि-योग्य)
Synonyms: Farmable, Cultivatable, Tillable, Fertile, Productive.
Antonyms: Infertile, Sterile
Example: In a natural desert, there is no arable earth for farming.
Origin: from Latin arare ‘to plough’.
9. Bring up to code (idiom): (Raise (something) to a higher standard) (सुधार करना)
Synonyms: Improve, Better, Make Better, Ameliorate, Reform, Enhance.
Antonyms: Deteriorate, Degenerate, Decay, Atrophy, Degrade.
Example: The speed of technological change is so great in some jobs now that employees are obliged to continually study, and Bring themselves up to code in their skills.
10. Vanquish (verb): (Defeat thoroughly. / come out better in a competition, race, or conflict. (जीत हासिल करना/परास्त करना /हराना))
Synonyms: Conquer, Surmount, Beat, Win, Be Victorious
Antonyms: Give In, Lose, Surrender, Fail
Example: In the movies, the superheroes usually vanquish the villains.
Verb forms: Vanquish, Vanquished, Vanquished
Origin: from Latin vincere ‘conquer’.
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