Challenging Words from The Article The Hindu (23 January)

By | January 23, 2018

Daily English Vocabulary with Synonyms and Antonyms with Hindi Meaning and Examples (23-01-2018)

1) Jarring (verb) (अप्रत्याशित) : Ja-ring
Meaning – incongruous in a striking or shocking way , causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness
Synonyms – flabbergasting, surprising, unannounced, unanticipated, unexpected, shocking, startling
Antonyms – common, customary, mundane, normal, ordinary
Example –  Since the teacher suspended ten students in one day, this jarring action from the administration made all the other students worry who were involved in ragging.

2) Hobble (verb)(बंधन ): hob-ul
Meaning – limit the activity or development of something.
Synonyms – restrict, control
Antonyms – Run, move, accelerate
Example – She is sometimes hobbled by self-doubt.

3) Chunk (noun) (टुकड़ा): chunk
Meaning –  a significant amount of, a thick, solid piece of something.
Synonyms – portion, block, cold , part
Antonyms – Whole, all, entire
Example -A man was killed when a chunk of cement from a building fell on him during the earthquake.

4) Contend (verb) (संघर्ष करना) : kun-tend
Meaning – to argue or challenge
Synonyms – complete, grapple with, deal with.
Antonyms – Collaborate, surrender, give up
Example –  After the call was made against his team, the coach tried to contend with the stubborn referee.

5) Pragmatic (adjective)  (व्यावहारिक): prag-mat-ik
Meaning -concentrating on practical results and facts instead of speculation and opinion
Synonyms – empirical, realistic/actual, practical.
Antonyms – impractical, unrealistic, idealistic
Example – The scientist had a pragmatic approach to dealing with the water crisis.

6) Inflate (verb) (हवा भरना , बढाना): in-fleyt
Meaning – increase (something) by a large or excessive amount.
Synonyms – increase, rise, escalate
Antonyms –  deflate, shrink, compress
Example -The promotion of a big release can inflate a film’s final cost.

7) Imperative (noun) ( अनिवार्य):  im-per-uh-tiv
Meaning – of vital importance; crucial.
Synonyms –  necessary condition, requisite/requirement, necessity.
Antonyms – needless, non-essential
Example – If you’re serious about getting healthy, it’s imperative that you follow a healthy lifestyle, make the right food choices, and exercise regularly.

8) Endanger (verb)(जोखिम में डालना): en-deyn-jeyr
Meaning – put (someone or something) at risk or in danger.
Synonyms – imperil, jeopardize, risk.
Antonyms – guard, assist, protect
Example -Raising taxes at this time could endanger this slow recovery of the economy.

9) Substandard (adjective)  (रद्दी ) : suhb-stan-derd
Meaning –  on a lower level than the average level
Synonyms – inferior, second-rate, low-quality.
Antonyms –  awesome, wonderful, excellent
Example: Since the quality of the restaurant’s food was substandard, Riya certainly didn’t recommend it to anyone.

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