➡ Challenging Words from the Article 27-11-2018
1. Word: Misnomer (मिथ्या नामी)
Pronunciation: mis-noh-mer/मिस्नोमर
Part of Speech: Noun
a. a wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
b. a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term.
Synonyms: misleading term, mislabelling, false description
Antonyms: appropriate designation, exact name
Use in Sentence: This name is a misnomer and has necessarily gained a contradictory implication.
2. Word: Contend (संघर्ष करना)
Pronunciation: kuh n-tend/कन्टेन्ड
Part of Speech: Verb
a. assert something as a position in an argument.
b. struggle to surmount (a difficulty).
Synonyms: cope with, withstand
Antonyms: abandon, disown
Use in a Sentence: The new President had great difficulties to contend with.
3. Word: Distress (दुःख होना)
Pronunciation: dih-stres/डिस्ट्रेस
Part of Speech: Noun
a. extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain. [Noun]
b. cause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or pain. [Verb]
Synonyms: anguish, suffering
Antonyms: comfort, pleasure
Use in a Sentence: Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.
4. Word: Knee-jerk (स्वभाविक)
Pronunciation: nee-jurk/नी जर्क
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. (of a response) automatic and unthinking.
Synonyms: natural, habitual
Antonyms: crazy, strange
Use in a Sentence: That was a knee-jerk reaction on her part.
5. Word: Fallout (गिराव)
Pronunciation: fawl-out/फॉलाउट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the adverse results of a situation or action.
Synonyms: consequence, outcome
Antonyms: development
Use in Sentence: Nearly 100 employees lost their jobs in the fallout.
6. Word: Comply (स्वीकार करना)
Pronunciation: kuhm-plahy/कम्प्लाइ
Part of Speech: Verb
a. act in accordance with a wish or command.
b. (of an article) meet specified standards.
Synonyms: observe, obey, adhere to, conform to, follow, respect
Antonyms: disobey, refuse, defy
Use in a Sentence: When requested to leave, they refused to comply.
7. Word: Curb (नियंत्रण करना)
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
Pronunciation: kurb/कर्ब
Meaning: a check or restraint on something.
Synonyms: inhibit, hinder
Antonyms: encourage, support
Use in a Sentence: We are trying to keep a curb on their activities.
8. Word: Entitlement (पात्रता)
Pronunciation: en-tahy-tl-ment/एन्टाइटल्मन्ट
Part of Speech: Noun
a. the fact of having a right to something.
b. the amount to which a person has a right.
c. the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
Synonyms: prerogative, claim, allowance
Antonyms: restriction, prohibition
Use in Sentence: Successful applicants will be able to build up entitlement to many benefits such as concessionary loans and scholarships.
9. Word: Glut (आधिक्य)
Pronunciation: gluht/ग्लट
Part of Speech: Noun, Verb
a. an excessively abundant supply of something. [Noun]
b. supply or fill to excess. [Verb]
Synonyms: surplus, excess, surfeit, superfluity, overabundance
Antonyms: lack, abstain, dearth, suppress
Use in Sentence: The fall in demand for coffee could cause a glut on/in the market.
10. Word: (वैविध्यपूर्ण)
Pronunciation: brawd-beyst/ब्रॉड बेस्ड
Part of Speech: Adjective
a. wide-ranging; general
b. involving participation or support by a broad spectrum of things or people:
Synonyms: diverse, pervasive, all-embracing
Antonyms: duplicate, identical, similar, akin
Use in Sentence: With certain aims in mind, the school operates a broad-based curriculum.
11. Word: Allegedly (कथित रूप से)
Pronunciation: uh-lej-id-lee/अलेजिड्ली
Part of Speech: Adverb
a. used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof.
Synonyms: reportedly, supposedly, reputedly, purportedly, ostensibly, apparently
Antonyms: accurately, certainly, actually,
Use in Sentence: He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.