Vocab Of The Day Part 11

By | December 11, 2015

1. ALOOF (ADJECTIVE): reserved or reticent

Synonyms: detached, apart

Antonyms: interested, sympathetic

Example Sentence:

The idea of going to a place and staying aloof of the people is a mistake.

2. EXTRICATE (VERB): to free or release from entanglement

Synonyms: bail out, rescue Antonyms: limit, hold

Example Sentence:

Unable to extricate himself, after several days he dies of thirst within plain sight of freedom.

3. CANDOR (NOUN): the state or quality of being frank and open

Synonyms: probity, fairness Antonyms: deceit, lying

Example Sentence:

For all its frank sexuality and candor, the novel feels canned and unconvincing.

4. STREETWISE (ADJECTIVE): clever, artful

Synonyms: astute, frugal Antonyms: foolish, hasty

Example Sentence:

But instead of pointing fingers, law enforcement should focus on treating addicts, says one streetwise expert.

5. MINUTIAE (NOUN): trivial detail

Synonyms: incidental, trifle Antonyms: important, necessary

Example Sentence:

But it is unnecessary to trace these studies in all their minutiae.

6. EXULT (VERB): be highly elated or jubilant

Synonyms: celebrate, cheer Antonyms: grieve, mourn

Example Sentence:

Canadians are an exciting, dynamic people who exult in their well-defined and instantly recognizable national culture.

7. COVET (VERB): to desire wrongfully

Synonyms: want, begrudge Antonyms: dislike, abjure

Example Sentence:

After all, when the wealth is flowing, people don’t covet the concerts you see or the books you read.

8. AGGRANDIZEMENT (NOUN): exaltation

Synonyms: elevation, tribute Antonyms: censure, disrespect

Example Sentence:

The wars in which this system was evolved were wars for prestige and aggrandizement.

9. EMPHATIC (ADJECTIVE): insistent, unequivocal

Synonyms: assertive, definite Antonyms: indistinct, inactive

Example Sentence:

It was not a collection with a host of ideas, but rather one with a strong and emphatic point of view.

10. DEPLORE (VERB): regret; condemn

Synonyms: complain, denounce Antonyms: approve, laud

Example Sentence:

I confess I have much to deplore, and much for which to be thankful.

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